Giulia Farrior represents ADD+G clients out of the firm’s Miami office and has experience representing individuals and organizations in federal courts in all phases of intellectual property litigation involving trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and patents. Giulia also advises clients concerning trademark acquisition and counseling matters and has assisted in drafting various intellectual property agreements.
Born and raised in South Florida, Giulia earned her Juris Doctor from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. While in law school, Giulia became a research assistant to the Director of the Intellectual Property Law Program, Professor Elizabeth Rowe, Esq. Through this position, she performed research on various topics within the field of intellectual property law, including for a law review article that analyzed the ownership of data in implantable medical devices.
Giulia also co-authored an article focusing on U.S. trade secret law and extraterritoriality. The article titled, “Revisiting Trade Secret Extraterritoriality,” has been published in the Summer 2019 edition of Boston University’s Journal of Science & Technology Law. It has also been included in Thomson Reuters’ Intellectual Property Law Review as one of the best law review articles related to intellectual property published within the year 2020.
For her undergraduate studies, Giulia attended the University of Florida and obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Law, cum laude.