The five attorneys listed are Herbert L. Allen, Ava K. Doppelt, Christopher F. Regan, David L. Sigalow and Justin R. Sauer, all of whom were listed as IP Stars of the Nation and IP Stars of Florida.
In addition, the firm as a whole was ranked in the top tier of law firms in the state of Florida.
Founded in 1990, Managing Intellectual Property is a leading source of news and analysis on all intellectual property developments worldwide. The survey conducted by the magazine covers over 80 countries, and the rankings are based on extensive research among IP practitioners carried out over six months starting in September last year. A team of researchers in London, New York and Hong Kong sought responses from thousands of practitioners by phone, surveys, email and in face-to-face meetings. Firms cannot vote for their own inclusion or solicit votes from associates. The resulting tables are not an exhaustive list of every firm in each jurisdiction; to be included at all, a firm must have received a large number of recommendations from peers and clients. No firm paid to be included in the tables.
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